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Thursday, 12 September 2019


      TERM I - VI Std
         Links for Google Forms Tests

Reviewed and developed by : Mr. Thiraviya Kumar, Brinda. Mr. T. Arun. Mr. Anand Kumar, Mrs. Bobby, Mrs. Jemi Solomon, Mr. Karthick, Mr. Kumaran, M. Ramesh, Mr. Satheesh Kumar, Mrs. Sudha , Mrs.Selvi Chitra. (Form tests and Q bank Team TNSB)

Monday, 9 September 2019


     TERM I - X Std

    Links for Google Forms Tests
1.                            Her First Flight - Prose

2.                            Life - Poem

3.                            The Tempest - Supplementary

4.                            The night the ghost got in - Prose

5.                            The Grumble family - Poem

6.                            Zig zag - Supplementary

7.                            Empowered women navigating the world - Prose

8.                            I am every woman

9.                            The story of Mulan - Supplementary

10.                       The Attic - Prose

11.                       The ant and the cricket - Poem

12.                       The aged mother - supplementary

13.                       The secret of the machines – Poem

14.                       The last lesson - Prose

15.                       No men are foreign - Poem

16.                       Tech bloomers - Prose

Reviewed and Developed By : Anand Kumar, Brinda Srinivas, Arun T , Bobby .M, Jemi Solomon, Karthick, Kumaran SSK, Ramesh, Satheesh Kumar, Sudha, Selvi Chitra and Thiraviya Kumar ( Form Tests and Q Bank Team TNSB)

17.                       A day in 2889 - supplementary

18.                       The dying detective - Prose

19.                       House on elm Street - Poem

20.                       The little hero of Holland - Supplementary

21.                       A dilemma - Supplementary

22.                       Different parts of speech - Grammar

23.                       Compound words

24.                       Jumbled words - Grammar

25.                       Homophone

26.                       Suffix

27.                       Connectors

28.                       singular and plural

29.                       Proverbs

30.                        character and speaker

Reviewed and Developed By : Anand Kumar, Brinda Srinivas, Arun T , Bobby .M, Jemi Solomon, Karthick, Kumaran SSK, Ramesh, Satheesh Kumar, Sudha, Selvi Chitra and Thiraviya Kumar ( Form Tests and Q Bank Team TNSB)

Tuesday, 3 September 2019